Accept Criticism and Become a Better Writer

Posted: November 01, 2016
woman-thinking-1149362_1920 Criticism is usually a hard thing to take. It can be especially tough when it's given on something you've written - that you've likely put your heart and soul into. Learning to deal with criticism and use it to your advantage can make you an even better writer. Jessie Kwak, writer for The Write Life, shares how to handle criticism better and become a better writer.

How to Become a Better Writer: 4 Ways to Deal With Criticism

There’s a reason many of us writers refer to our projects as our “babies.” We’ve spent days, months, or even years nurturing the idea and breathing life into every sentence. After that intimate and solitary process, it can be nerve-wracking to ask others for feedback. Even when we’re less invested in a project — say, a quick blog post for a client — it can still sting to receive criticism. Although feedback is incredibly valuable, I still find this part of the writing process to be terrifying whether I’m writing an article for a client or sharing my novel with a beta reader. Most writers will have to deal with negative feedback about their work throughout their careers, and that’s a good thing! Hearing thoughtful criticism on your work is what helps you learn how to become a better writer — but only if you’re receptive to it. Read the entire article How to Become a Better Writer: 4 Ways to Deal With Criticism on The Write Life.