Content strategy is an integral part of any new (or remodeled) website. While it can be confusing, it's a plan that will help make administering your website and ensuring fresh content to keep visitors engaged. Whether you're a small business, or a large company, your content strategy can help ensure the success of your website.
Content strategy is an integral part of any new (or remodeled) website. While it can be confusing, it's a plan that will help make administering your website and ensuring fresh content to keep visitors engaged. Whether you're a small business, or a large company, your content strategy can help ensure the success of your website.
I recently attended a Content Strategy meet up in Omaha lead by Kristina Halvorson, one of the most important voices in the content strategy conversation, and a co-author of Content Strategy for the Web. To be quite honest, I was a little overwhelmed being in a room full of developers and interactive-types that had specific questions and well-defined reasons for being there. But as the conversation got going, I realized that I deal with content planning and content strategy all the time – just maybe not always in the context of the Web.
We all have clients who want to get as much into their print ad, TV spot, brochure, or website as they can. As their partners, it’s our job to make sure we understand their objectives for each of those media and help shape the message into something that is easily digestible by their audience.
While you can apply the basic principles of content planning and content strategy to ads, videos, collateral, etc., by definition, they are really about the Web. Content planning feeds into the information architecture of a site –where all the “stuff” is going to live. Web users these days have certain expectations of where content is going to live on your site: If you are looking for the “Press Room” or “Contact” page, check the header or footer. And if all else fails, use the search function. But, content strategy is bigger than that.
Content strategy plans for the creation, publication, maintenance and oversight of your useful, usable brand content. Here’s a very (very) high-level overview of how it works.
Read entire article A Beginner's Guide to Content Strategy
Biz Tip from Swanson Russell