9 Tips To Enhance Your Content Marketing

Posted: March 16, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11228" align="alignright"]© Ivelin Radkov - Fotolia.com[/caption]If you feel as if your content isn't getting out to people as well as it could be, here are some tips that may help you.

[caption id="attachment_11228" align="alignright"]© Ivelin Radkov - Fotolia.com[/caption]If you feel as if your content isn't getting out to people as well as it could be, here are some tips that may help you.

Content marketing is a lot like social media—it's got power and reach across all digital platforms, and it's tailor-made for the skills and inclinations of PR pros. At PR News' Feb. 27 Digital PR Summit, three PR/content marketing professionals stressed that the onus is on communicators to enhance thier content marketing efforts. Here's how:  

1. Start with the audience: "There are no boring subjects, just poorly told stories, disinterested audiences and lame content," said David Patton, VP and editor in chief, Waggener Edstrom Worldwide. “With social platforms, we’ve now got a lot of hungry mouths to feed. Start with the audience and listen and find out what they need."

2. Work like the pros: Take a page from the folks who are really good at this—news organizations. ”It's about finding best practices: reporting, curating and pulling things out," Patton said.

Read entire article 9 Tips To Enhance Your Content Marketing at PR News Online

This Biz Tip brought to you by Tammy Sapp Communications Director for Kalkomey