8 SEO Tips That Take 15 Minutes or Less

Posted: June 13, 2013

watch-suitWell thought-out strategic SEO plan can be time consuming to implement.  Do you pay as much attention to SEO as you should?  If you said no, you’re not alone. SEO chores often are put on the back burner, for days when schedules lighten up, which they never do.  Stay on track with your SEO in just 15 minutes a day. SearchEnginewatch.com shares eight SEO tips to get the train rolling.

watch-suitWell thought-out strategic SEO plan can be time consuming to implement.  Do you pay as much attention to SEO as you should?  If you said no, you’re not alone. SEO chores often are put on the back burner, for days when schedules lighten up, which they never do.  Stay on track with your SEO in just 15 minutes a day. SearchEnginewatch.com shares eight SEO tips to get the train rolling.

While a long standing concerted effort toward SEO can pay off big down the road, don’t forget that sometimes there are quick tasks that can turn the needle.

Over the years, I have heard many times from individuals desiring success in SEO, the request could never gain approval as the resourced time was too great of a budget allocation or that an SEO vendor wasn't in the budget.

This is true to some extent as a full SEO campaign involves the strategic revision to information architecture, attention to SEO design factors, creation of quality content, a blueprint for a link-building initiative just to name a few items. These tasks can take a lot of time and the thought of this can leave many companies throwing SEO on the back burner.

Read entire article 8 SEO Tips That Take 15 Minutes or Less on Search Engine Watch