8 Insightful Marketing Predictions for 2013 and Beyond

Posted: January 03, 2013

What will the marketing outlook be for 2013? With the ever changing landscape of online marketing, what will be effective techniques, and what will fall short? While nobody knows for sure, here are some top predictions for successful trends of 2013.

What will the marketing outlook be for 2013? With the ever changing landscape of online marketing, what will be effective techniques, and what will fall short? While nobody knows for sure, here are some top predictions for successful trends of 2013.

[caption id="attachment_11074" align="alignright" width="500"]image: hubspot.com[/caption]It's that time of year again! 2013 is on the horizon, so whip out your crystal balls, marketers -- it's time to make some predictions about what's in store for next year. Don't have one handy? That's cool. You don't need to be clairvoyant to make a prediction or two. In fact, how about we get the ball rolling.

In 2012, the world of marketing underwent some major changes. We saw the rise of Pinterest, several IPOs and acquisitions, an aggressive political ad war, Facebook’s 1 billionth user, and watched one Korean artist turn into a global phenomenon thanks to YouTube. So what’s on tap for next year?

We've compiled some of our most insightful predictions -- backed by several industry experts and thought leaders -- into our new guide, 20 Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2013 & Beyond. You can catch 8 of them in this blog post, and be sure to download the full guide if you're curious about what the other 12 will mean for your marketing in 2013. Now let's get to it, marketers!

Prediction: Social & Content Influence SEO

Over the years, effective search engine optimization (SEO) was all about knowing the tricks of the trade. The SEO of tomorrow will be less about having the right H1 tag or the right keywords on the page and more about creating really high quality, original content that is socially consumed and shared.

Read the entire article 8 Insightful Marketing Predictions for 2013 and Beyond, at Hubspot.com.

Biz Tip Provided by Tony Bynum, Freelance Photographer, Photo Editor