If you produce online videos, now there's a way to make them more effective.
If you produce online videos, now there's a way to make them more effective.
This is the year that online video advertising will finally reach its potential. From being mostly a sidelined player, it will become a leader on the virtual court of online advertising.[caption id="attachment_10376" align="alignright" width="400"]© violetkaipa - Fotolia.com[/caption]
Skeptical? I can't blame you. That's because the industry has been saying that every year since about 2007. And, while arguably things are falling into place, it remains clear from the average online video experience that the medium needs a lot more time in the weight room. The typical pre-roll is still a flat remake of its broadcast version. Online users are tired of being brainwashed with the same pre-roll over and over again. And advertisers are tired of working so hard to aggregate eyeballs -- thus focusing on the same handful of publishers and leaving a whole lot of audience on the table.
So, I'll rephrase: This is the year that online video advertising could finally reach its potential.
For that to happen, online video needs a push off the bench. Online marketers must raise the level of their game by adopting best practices that exploit everything that video has to offer.
Read entire article 7 steps to take video to the next level
Biz Tip provided by Randy Bowden (@bowden2bowden)