[caption id="attachment_11510" align="alignright" width="400"]© Tony - Fotolia.com[/caption]Taking the time to make sure the content you're putting out there is great quality requires taking time to proofread. Proofreading has become even more important in today's fast-paced content environment. Following a few simple steps will make sure you're doing everything you can to publish your best work.
[caption id="attachment_11510" align="alignright" width="400"]© Tony - Fotolia.com[/caption]Taking the time to make sure the content you're putting out there is great quality requires taking time to proofread. Proofreading has become even more important in today's fast-paced content environment. Following a few simple steps will make sure you're doing everything you can to publish your best work.
Proofreading is the last line of defense for quality control in print and online publishing. Be sure to conduct a thorough proofread of all documents before they are printed for distribution and of all Web pages before they go live, using these guidelines.
But before you proof, you must edit. (This post explains the difference between the two processes.) There’s no use expending time and effort to check for minor typographical errors until the editing stage is complete. Review for proper organization, appropriate tone, and grammar, syntax, usage, and style before the document is laid out.
Stakeholders should read the edited version before layout and submit requests for revisions during the editing stage. If anyone other than the editorial staff must see the proof, remind him or her that only minor changes should be made at this point.
1. Use a Checklist
Create a list of important things to check for, such as problem areas like agreement of nouns and verbs and of pronouns and antecedents, and number style.
2. Fact-Check
Double-check facts, figures, and proper names. If information remains to be inserted at the last minute, highlight the omission prominently so that no one forgets to do so.
3. Spell-Check
Before proofreading a printout, spell-check the electronic version to find misspellings, as well as errors you or a colleague make frequently, such as omitting a closing parenthesis or quotation mark.
Read the entire article 7 Proofreading Steps at DailyWritingTips.