6 Elements of the Digital Newsroom of Tomorrow

Posted: June 06, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11370" align="alignright"]© Maksym Yemelyanov - Fotolia.com[/caption]

Digital newsrooms have been around for a long time. Maybe you've revamped yours at least once, a few years ago – but, it's possible that you may need to take a look at it again. There are key elements to the new online newsroom that you should be following.

[caption id="attachment_11370" align="alignright"]© Maksym Yemelyanov - Fotolia.com[/caption]

Digital newsrooms have been around for a long time. Maybe you've revamped yours at least once, a few years ago – but, it's possible that you may need to take a look at it again. There are key elements to the new online newsroom that you should be following.

If you’ve worked in PR long enough, you’ve probably helped a client or employer revamp (or create) an online newsroom. It’s one of the staples of our profession.

And, you’ve probably read a post or two about the basic elements that should go into that newsroom.

All of that is good.

Except the concept of an “online newsroom” has changed in the last few years.

Media has shifted.

The Web has morphed.

Tools have become more democratized (and plentiful).

Web development has become more “affordable.”

All of which got me to thinking–it’s probably time to update our mental set for what an “online newsroom” should consider in today’s digital age.

Read entire article 6 Elements of the Digital Newsroom of Tomorrow on Communications Conversations

Biz Tip provided by Tammy Sapp, Director of Communications for Kalkomey.