5 Tips For a More Productive Home Office

Posted: June 03, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11364" align="alignright"]© endostock - Fotolia.com[/caption]Setting up your first home office, or getting ready for a remodel? Consider how lighting, sound, proximity, ergonomics, and yes, your chair can make a difference. Take advantage of these five home-office design elements that maximize productivity.
[caption id="attachment_11364" align="alignright"]© endostock - Fotolia.com[/caption]Setting up your first home office, or getting ready for a remodel? Consider how lighting, sound, proximity, ergonomics, and yes, your chair can make a difference. Take advantage of these five home-office design elements that maximize productivity.

Whether you work from home or not, most people have some type of home office or place where they do work from home either for their employer or for themselves. In this post we are going to look at five things to consider when designing your home office to maximize productivity.

1. Proximity Matters

When you are designing a home office, make sure you put things that you need often near where you need them. For example, if you want to get better about shredding documents with sensitive information on them, don’t put your shredder across the room or in the closet.

Read entire article 5 Tips For a More Productive Home Office on Manilla