5 Online Style Guides

Posted: May 03, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11313" align="alignright" width="333"]© iuneWind - Fotolia.com[/caption]If you're unsure how to begin the formatting on your own handbook, there are now some guides available that can help you get started.
[caption id="attachment_11313" align="alignright" width="333"]© iuneWind - Fotolia.com[/caption]If you're unsure how to begin the formatting on your own handbook, there are now some guides available that can help you get started.

You’re looking for a style guide to adopt, or for one you can use as a model for creating your own personal or professional handbook, but you don’t want to pay for one or more books to evaluate and perhaps use (print versions of the major style guides retail for $20–$65), or you’re done with dead-tree resources (translation: books). You could beg, borrow, or steal a copy, but fortunately, several excellent online style guides are available so that you needn’t resort to these strategies.

1. The Associated Press Stylebook
The online version of the AP Stylebook, the bible of US journalists, costs $26 for an annual subscription — more than the print version — but it features bonus benefits, including email notifications of style updates and access to new entries and recent changes.

Read entire article 5 Online Style Guides on Daily Writing Tips