[caption id="attachment_9646" align="alignright" width="423"]© dragon_fang - Fotolia.com[/caption]Marketing in the past often consisted of one off campaigns that didn’t build a relationship with your customer or prospect.
[caption id="attachment_9646" align="alignright" width="423"]© dragon_fang - Fotolia.com[/caption]Marketing in the past often consisted of one off campaigns that didn’t build a relationship with your customer or prospect.
It was about the “deal” …closing the sale. It was sometimes called “Hit and Run” marketing.
Content Marketing is about creating compelling, contagious content and sharing it freely on social networks and blogs.
It is about building a relationship with your prospects and customers that builds credibility and trust that turns propsects into buyers and customers into high value repeat buyers.
The initial goal is to obtain the buyers permission to receive that content whether it is a subscription via an opt-in email or a Facebook social opt-in ” like” that delivers information into the Facebook news and “Timeline” stream.
Creating content is time consuming and a creative challenge.
These are the challenges among many.
Sometimes you need some inspiration and you need to try some new ideas and different media that may provide a nudge to try something different and creative outside your comfort zone.
As Steve Jobs says “Stay Foolish”
Click here to view the complete article 5 Content Marketing Ideas Worth Stealing.