5 Alternatives to Unfriending Someone on Facebook

Posted: March 26, 2013
[caption id="attachment_11246" align="alignright"]© bloomua - Fotolia.com[/caption]

Almost everyone in today's age uses Facebook. If you find yourself becoming annoyed by the flurry of status updates and photos posted, there's a simple way to get rid of the story, but not the person.

[caption id="attachment_11246" align="alignright"]© bloomua - Fotolia.com[/caption]

Almost everyone in today's age uses Facebook. If you find yourself becoming annoyed by the flurry of status updates and photos posted, there's a simple way to get rid of the story, but not the person.

People are annoying on Facebook — that's no secret. Between uninformed political rants and unnecessary gaming updates, we've all been tempted to do some major unfriending for a better social experience.

But Facebook unfriending can be awkward or taken personally, often making it more trouble than it's worth.

That's why we've come up with five alternatives to deleting a friend completely: changing visibility settings, tailoring updates based on interests and other ways to preserve both your friendship and your sanity.

How do you deal with annoying Facebook friends?

Read entire article 5 Alternatives to Unfriending Someone on Facebook on Mashable

Biz Tip provided by Laurie Lee Dovey, Exectutive Director of POMA