3 Tips To Increase Clicks On Your Tweets By 200%

Posted: September 03, 2011

People that start to Buffer their Tweets increased clicks on links they posted by 200% within 2 weeks of using. The amount of retweets doubles on average. Finally Buffer users increase their follower count by 104 followers within 3 weeks on average.

People that start to Buffer their Tweets increased clicks on links they posted by 200% within 2 weeks of using. The amount of retweets doubles on average. Finally Buffer users increase their follower count by 104 followers within 3 weeks on average.

Recently Twitter introduced their own URL shortener. At first sight, there is actually nothing incredible about this you would think. When last week TheNextWeb’s Zee took a look at all their analytics he was struck by the facts. Twitter is by far the highest referrer of traffic.

And then I took a look at our own blog and the picture was very similar. T.co is the biggest referrer in terms of clicks. Although a few people claimed that Twitter might be losing some its edge is clearly proven wrong. On the contrary Twitter continues to be one of the most important drivers of visitors to any site.

How can you leverage Twitter traffic?

There are of course many ways to get visitors coming from Twitter. One very simple strategy that you can apply comes from using a simple Twitter tool called Buffer.

Buffer is a super simple App that allows you to add all the great articles you find to your Buffer. They are then posted for you at optimal times, well spaced out during the day.

Recently the App put out some very interesting data from their userbase:

“People that start to Buffer their Tweets increased clicks on links they posted by 200% within 2 weeks of using. The amount of retweets doubles on average. Finally Buffer users increase their follower count by 104 followers within 3 weeks on average.” – the study concluded.

Given that all these metrics increased, the App also showed that the impact was actually very relevant and not just bogus clicks or followers. Klout score has reason by an average of 3.5 points within the first week of using.

Why does it increase?

In the study, there were 3 core components found that give you the increased traffic and click rate from Twitter, by using Buffer . Here is a brief breakdown on what it takes to make people click on links.

1.) Tweet more frequently

The first, very powerful insight found was that after starting to use Buffer, users would increase their Tweeting frequency.

* Buffer offers you extensions (Chrome, Firefox and Safari) that make it easiest to Buffer articles as Tweets from any website you are reading. This triggers users to add 150% more Tweets to their Buffer whenever something is interesting:

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* Another crucial feature in use was the pause Buffer . This enabled users to fill up their Buffer over weekends with the best content they find, without tweeting it then at these low traffic times. Then, during the weekdays, it will be posted conveniently for them and get them most exposure.

In general, the data suggests that if you can increase the daily amount of Tweets you send out and space them out over the day so your stream doesn’t get flooded, you will already have a great advantage to attract more visitors.

2.) Tweet at optimal times

A second crucial feature form Buffer that triggered up to 200% more Tweets was a better timing of Tweets. Buffer works with an algorithm based on our research for Twitter peak times. It will then send out your Tweets at these times and give you greater exposure without you having to post Tweets then.

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3.) Tweet a great variety of sources

Finally, the third most important factor that led to increased click rate on Twitter, was if Buffer users had Tweeted links to a great variety of sources. In fact, it was found that here an increase of up to 500% was possible. There were 2 very important factors to consider:

1. Users who picked a very focused topic, according to keyword research on the Tweets such as “startups” or “blogging tips” had a much higher chance of attracting clicks according to the survey. It showed that it built a lot of trust to continue to Tweet regularly about a certain space instead of mixing dozens of different topics together.

Another part here was that users who used multiple sources, meaning a great variety of blogs and news sites they linked to, could increase their click rate up to 500%. This means that if you can share the best content instead of linking to your own content all the time, click rate will increase.


Overall, Buffering helped users a great deal to establish a firm Twitter presence. The fact that it facilitates consistent, regular Tweeting and does so at optimal times gave fantastic results. On average, nearly 200% more clicks were seen within 2 weeks of starting to use Buffer .

Of course, these findings can be achieved without the help of a tool, yet it depends on how much time you have left over for your Twitter efforts.

Biz Tip Source: Smedio

About the Author: Leo Widrich is Co-founder of a new Twitter App called BufferApp, which allows you to tweet more often without flooding your followers.