27 Productivity Killers: Why Nothing Ever Gets Done!

Posted: December 08, 2011

There is always more to do than time in which to do it. And the more you take on, the more there is to do. You finish one task and six more pop out of no where; it never ends. To toss a major understatement at you - you need to invest your time wisely and that means being productive.

There is always more to do than time in which to do it. And the more you take on, the more there is to do. You finish one task and six more pop out of no where; it never ends. To toss a major understatement at you - you need to invest your time wisely and that means being productive.

Yes, the dreaded 'P' word. Easier said than done, that's for sure. Sometimes, you just aren’t productive. You want to be, but things seem to never get done.

Here’s why...

What Kills Productivity?

There are only a few broad reasons why your productivity could be suffering. I’ll talk about all the specific instances in a moment, but let’s start with a high-level look:

  • You have too much on your plate. Whether you don’t want to say no, you don’t know how or you can’t, you end up having too much to do.
  • The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Your body has needs. You need to give it the proper food, exercise and time off to stay optimally healthy.
  • The flesh is willing, but the spirit is weak. Your attitude is greatly affected by external factors such as your relationships, your finances and the kind of work you’re doing.
  • There's always tomorrow. Procrastination is caused by obstacles and friction. These tips will help you make sure you stop procrastinating altogether.
  • Stuff keeps coming up. Interruptions from email and phone calls, distractions from your personal life, as well as meeting overload can easily kill your productivity.
  • Doing the wrong things. Clarity is power. And once you’re clear about what you want, you need the right strategy and plan of action.

These are all productivity killers, and they can all be averted or avoided. Let’s explore the first one...

You Have Too Much On Your Plate

There are 24 hours in a day. You need to sleep 7-8 hours to keep your productivity level high. And you need to eat, rest and have at least a bit of a social life. That leaves you with 10 to 12 hours of work time. Even if you are ultra productive, your capacity is still limited.

  • Your Eyes Are Bigger Than Your Stomach.
    You are ambitious, driven and confident. And overly optimistic. You have made commitments to your clients, and you can’t let them down. You have to follow through and do what you promised, but you have too much to do. You have three ways out of this bind:
    • First, you can free up existing capacity by cancelling other engagements. Since it’s too late to turn down those clients, your personal life will probably suffer.
    • Second, you can increase your capacity by hiring someone to help you. You will incur additional costs, and you’ll have to spend time with that person to get them up to speed and communicate exactly what you want them to do. But you might very well manage to deliver on your promises. Top grading is an interesting approach to hiring high performers.
    • The third option is for you to negotiate on deliverable deadlines. Is one of your clients or projects flexible? Explain the situation and ask them for a few more days. But don’t wait the day on which you need to deliver to ask for extra time. Start negotiating as soon as you know that you won’t be able to follow through on your promises on time. They normally will be flexible and agree to the extended deadline, if it happens rarely. If you start making a habit out of it, they might very well get frustrated quickly by your requests.
  • You don't know how to say no.
    Your reputation is positively affected by how you can successfully deliver what you promise. By spreading yourself too thin, the quality of your work is greatly reduced – and your reputation follows. Know your commitments, and start saying no if you don’t have time to do more. When you get the request, it’s good to take your time and get back to them. When you do say no, don’t apologize about it. Be polite and firm about it.
  • You just can't say no.
    When your superior asks you to do something, it is not really an option. You CAN ultimately say no, but it is at the risk of getting fired. If everything is urgent, it becomes hard to prioritize and you might feel overwhelmed. The best thing to do is to sit down with your superior and explain the situation. Let them know what you have on your plate. Tell them that it not reasonably feasible within the time frame given.

    Ask them to help you prioritize it all. Sometimes, this is not the problem. Sometimes you have the right amount of work, if only you could get it done...

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak...

If you’re not in good health – if your body is not capable to execute what you’re trying to get done – then nothing will get done. So let’s look at reasons why this might be happening.

  • Not getting enough sleep.
    There is no magic number when it comes to sleep. Your body’s need for sleep is a function of your age and your genes. Researchers have agreed that most people need from 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to be fully rested.
  • Not getting enough exercise.
    “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” - John F Kennedy. It is common knowledge that exercise is good for your physical and mental health. If you still need motivation to get moving, here are 13 scientifically proven health benefits of exercise.

    If you’re not exercising, keep it simple to start with. Do you live in a building with multiple floors? Run up and down the stairs for 15-30 minutes. Go for a walk. Of course, there is always the gym. Having a disciplined gym partner will help you get and stay motivated.
  • You're getting too much exercise and burning yourself out.
    Over-training has serious negative consequences. Make sure to rest sufficiently and eat well between workouts. Listen to your body and be aware of symptoms of over-training.
  • You're not eating a very healthy diet.
    There are numerous health risks associated with having a poor diet. It can make your body weak, overweight and sick. You also expose yourself to life-threatening diseases. If you’re sick or lacking energy, your productivity will be down. Avoid diets high in refined sugars or bad fats. Try a vegetarian or vegan diet. Consult a health professional for advice.
  • You're not getting enough time to yourself.
    Your body and your mind need regular rest. If you’re not taking breaks throughout the day and regular time off work, you are lowering your overall productivity. Your energy needs to be renewed for you to have sustainable high performance.
  • You're sick.
    An analysis of Commonwealth Fund survey data found that 69 million US workers missed work days due to sickness, for a total of 407 million days lost in 2003. Another 478 million days were lost because they were unable to concentrate at work due to their illness or that of a family member.

    The most productive attitude to have towards sickness is prevention. And in cases where you start feeling sick, the best thing to do is to give your body the rest it needs. Take a bit of time off NOW so that you don’t have to take days or weeks off later.

    The body and the mind are greatly linked. They influence each other directly. So the reverse relationship is just as true.

Click hear to read the rest of the 27 Productivity Killers.

Biz Tip Provided by: Dumb Little Man