25 Tactics to Promote Your Blog via Facebook and Twitter

Posted: April 25, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11303" align="alignright" width="277"]image heidicohen.com[/caption]Social media provides a great (free) way to promote your blog. You've spent the time and put in the effort to create a blog you're proud of, and want to get as much traffic as possible. Take advantage of the two biggest social media avenues and drive traffic to your blog through Facebook and Twitter.

[caption id="attachment_11303" align="alignright" width="277"]image heidicohen.com[/caption]Social media provides a great (free) way to promote your blog. You've spent the time and put in the effort to create a blog you're proud of, and want to get as much traffic as possible. Take advantage of the two biggest social media avenues and drive traffic to your blog through Facebook and Twitter.

Promoting your blog is the most important of the five Ps of blogging. Without getting the word out about your blog, your content will never maximize its reach. To this end, leverage Facebook and Twitter to support your promotional blog activities.

The logic behind Facebook and Twitter blog promotion is to take advantage of their broad, global reach.

Therefore understand Facebook and Twitter participant behavior. Specifically, a significant proportion of these users snack on social media content and engage via a smartphone or a tablet. (Here’s the data on Facebook and Mobile.) So your blog must present information appropriate for these behaviors. (Here’s how to optimize your blog for mobile via Ian Cleary.)

Here are twenty-five actionable tactics to help you use Facebook and Twitter to promote your blog.

Get your blog in order for Facebook and Twitter sharing

Before disseminating your blog content on Facebook and Twitter, ensure that your blog is positioned appropriately and craft each post considering your audience to facilitate sharing.

  1. Know your target audience and their hot buttons. While you may think your blog is about what you want to convey, the reality is that to attract a consistent readership, you must write for your audience. This means creating a marketing persona to understand their needs and priorities and a social media persona to understand where they congregate and interact on social media.

Read the entire article 25 Tactics to Promote Your Blog via Facebook and Twitter at heidicohen.com.