10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online

Posted: November 11, 2010

In a world dominated by social media, taking steps to protect personal safety online is critical. A few simple steps can reduce risk, although there is no guarantee.

[caption id="attachment_7935" align="alignright" width="424"]© Iosif Szasz-Fabian - Fotolia.com[/caption]In a world dominated by social media, considering personal safety online is more important than ever. While there is no guaranteed way to protect privacy on the Web, a few simple steps can reduce risk.

Michael Fertik, CEO and Founder of Reputation Defender, provides ten fresh guidelines to help keep private data exactly that – private.

  • Remove full birth date on social-networking profiles
  • Forego downloading Facebook apps
  • Vary usernames and passwords
  • Consider smart phones and geo-location services carefully
  • Terminate old accounts containing personal information

Read Michael Fertik’s complete article in Newsweek.

Biz Tip Source: Newsweek

Michael Fertik is the CEO and founder of ReputationDefender.