10 Commandments for a Healthy Lifestyle

Posted: February 25, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11212" align="alignright" width="293"]© 3drenderings - Fotolia.com[/caption]In today's hustle and bustle of the world, are you taking the time needed to make sure you're taking care of yourself?

[caption id="attachment_11212" align="alignright" width="293"]© 3drenderings - Fotolia.com[/caption]In today's hustle and bustle of the world, are you taking the time needed to make sure you're taking care of yourself?
A couple of days ago I was browsing the web when I came across a post with 10 commandments you must follow to have a healthy lifestyle. I figured I should share it, as regardless of your profession, staying healthy is paramount for your success.

The commandments were elaborated by a Brazilian trainer called Nuno Cobra. Among others Nuno trained Ayrton Senna, three times Formula 1 World champion and considered by most the best racing driver that ever lived (myself included).

1. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, and never wake up to an alarm clock, as it represents an aggression to your body.

2. Eat in small portions regularly (i.e., every three hours or so).

Read entire article 10 Commandments for a Healthy Lifestyle at Daily Blog Tips